Friday, April 5, 2019

A comment on U.S. government

u.s. government
National Government, what many people go day-to-day not really investing much of their time into, but yet their lives are influenced by it in ways which they may not know. The National Government, which consist of the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branch check and balance one another to maintain a healthy equilibrium that keeps the greater good of the country and its people. My question on National Government is with the electoral college and the statement, “We the people.”
I’m certain that every presidential election many people wonder and question what is and why the electoral college. According to the intent is to split electing the president between the popular vote by qualified citizens and congress; however, as stated in class how can you be considered a percentage of a person based on the population/ electoral rep. ratio? It clearly shows the inequality experienced in the system as of now for the fifth time. Although there are no federal laws that require a candidate to vote for the party in which they reside during the presidential election, but electors are usually bound by political pledges or state laws.
Another question regarding the electoral college is how can the representatives represent ‘we the people’ when ‘we the people’ did not directly elect the college representatives yet indirectly elect them by our presidential vote, which is the real vote of ‘we the people’- the popular vote. As it seems the process has been attempted to be amended on multiple occasions in which the only ones that stuck where insignificant for a more accurate system based directly on what the people want 100% of the time.

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A comment on U.S. government

u.s. government National Government, what many people go day-to-day not really investing much of their time into, but yet their lives are...